La Barbe Bleue
Collection de contes interactifs
2017Technologies / Compétences
InDesign, Photoshop. Illustrations.Projet d’année de Master 2. J’ai imaginé une collection de contes interactifs dont le premier ouvrage serait La Barbe Bleue de Charles Perrault. Le livre fonctionnerait en interaction avec une application en réalité augmentée sur smartphone et tablette. Le lecteur verrait alors son livre prendre vie sur son écran et s’animer, plongeant alors au cœur du conte.
Master’s degree diploma project. I imagined a collection of interactive tales which first book would be Blue Beard by Charles Perrault. The book would interact with an augmented reality application on smartphone and tablet. The reader would then see their book coming to life with animations and sounds.
Master’s degree diploma project. I imagined a collection of interactive tales which first book would be Blue Beard by Charles Perrault. The book would interact with an augmented reality application on smartphone and tablet. The reader would then see their book coming to life with animations and sounds.
En partant du conte de Perrault j’ai réalisé la mise en page, les illustrations et les animations. Je n’ai pas pu développer de moi-même l’application que j’ai imaginé et je fais donc fonctionner le livre avec l’application Aurasma.
Starting from Perrault’s tale, I created the layout, the illustrations and the animations. I couldn’t code myself the application I imagined, so I make the prototype works with Aurasma.
Starting from Perrault’s tale, I created the layout, the illustrations and the animations. I couldn’t code myself the application I imagined, so I make the prototype works with Aurasma.
La collection dans laquelle s’insère ce livre se nomme “Contes interactif”. Grâce à un smartphone ou une tablette, les livres de la collection s’animent et prennent vie. Ils rendent la lecture ludique, magique et unique car sons, animations et interactions accompagnent le lecteur pour le plonger dans l’histoire.
The collection in which this book belongs is called “interactive tales”. Thanks to a smartphone or a tablet, the collection’s books comes to life. It makes the reading funnier and playful, magical and unique, because sounds, animations and interactions accompany the reader to make them dive into the story.
The collection in which this book belongs is called “interactive tales”. Thanks to a smartphone or a tablet, the collection’s books comes to life. It makes the reading funnier and playful, magical and unique, because sounds, animations and interactions accompany the reader to make them dive into the story.